On Sun, 16 May 2004, Omid K. Rad wrote:

> "Iranian Calendar" is okay IMHO, but I like the "Persian Calendar"
> better for the name of the calendar system, since it covers more
> countries. In Iran we use the Iranian subtype of the Persian calendar,
> and in Afghanistan the Jalali subtype is used. I don't know about
> Tajikistan.

Omid, I still vote for "Iranian Calendar" because within that huge
geographic expanse, there are various non-Persian speaking groups.
"Iranian" is a little more broader term with a geographic sense as well.
It is also used by linguists, for example to describe dialects spoken
outside the borders of modern Iran to differentiate between the related
"Indian" subset of "Indo-Iranian."  "Iranian" is also not perfect, but as
you say, you can subset your .NET categories.

I'm perhaps reacting to more of the fallout from this "Farsi" vs.
"Persian" mess. One hears even more improvements/abuses of "Persian" in
the English language, as in, for example:

"Daddy, look over there. There's some Persians speaking Farsi!"

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