"Travis H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Lots of things in the startup scripts will fail to work or hang
> indefinitely if you block outbound stuff.  I find it necessary to
> allow at least outbound DNS in order for the machine to boot in
> reasonable time.  

The OpenBSD /etc/rc has this code to initialize PF before any interfaces
are up:

if [ "X${pf}" != X"NO" ]; then
        RULES="block all"
        RULES="$RULES\npass on lo0"
        RULES="$RULES\npass in proto tcp from any to any port 22 keep state"
        RULES="$RULES\npass out proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port 53 keep 
        RULES="$RULES\npass out inet proto icmp all icmp-type echoreq keep 
        if ifconfig lo0 inet6 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
                RULES="$RULES\npass out inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type 
                RULES="$RULES\npass in inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type 
                RULES="$RULES\npass out inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type 
                RULES="$RULES\npass in inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type 
        RULES="$RULES\npass proto { pfsync, carp }"
        case `sysctl vfs.mounts.nfs 2>/dev/null` in
                # don't kill NFS
                RULES="scrub in all no-df\n$RULES"
                RULES="$RULES\npass in proto udp from any port { 111, 2049 } to 
                RULES="$RULES\npass out proto udp from any to any port { 111, 
2049 }"
        echo $RULES | pfctl -f - -e

- and after dealing with the contents of /etc/sysctl.conf and

# set hostname, turn on network
echo 'starting network'
. /etc/netstart

if [ "X${pf}" != X"NO" ]; then
        if [ -f ${pf_rules} ]; then
                pfctl -f ${pf_rules}

then of courrse the rest of what you expect from a startup script.

Which means essentially an empty or invalid pf.conf will leave you with
a system where you are able to log in, unless of course you managed to
break your network in other ways.

Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
http://www.blug.linux.no/rfc1149/ http://www.datadok.no/ http://www.nuug.no/
"First, we kill all the spammers" The Usenet Bard, "Twice-forwarded tales"

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