Jim Nasby <jim.na...@bluetreble.com> writes:
> On 4/4/15 8:38 AM, Chris Curvey wrote:
>> I can!  I just copied the data to a new table, obfuscated the sensitive
>> parts, and was able to reproduce the error.  I can supply the script to
>> create and populate the table, but that's still clocking in at 250Mb
>> after being zipped. What's the best way of getting this data out to
>> someone who can take a look at this?  (Feel free to contact me off-list
>> to coordinate.)

> It would be nice if you could further reduce it, but if not I'd suggest 
> posting it to something like DropBox and posting the public link here.

So far I've been unable to reproduce the failure from Chris' data :-(
Don't know why not.

                        regards, tom lane

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