In addition to exactly what you mean by "a long time" to pg_dump 77k of
your table,

What is your O/S and how much memory is on your system?
How many CPU's are in your system?
Also, what is your hard disk configuration?
What other applications are running simultaneously with pg_dump?
What is the value of shared_memory & maintenance_work_mem in

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 11:04 AM, Adrian Klaver <>

> On 10/14/2015 06:39 PM, anj patnaik wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I recently downloaded postgres 9.4 and I have a client application that
>> runs in Tcl that inserts to the db and fetches records.
>> For the majority of the time, the app will connect to the server to do
>> insert/fetch.
>> For occasional use, we want to remove the requirement to have a server
>> db and just have the application retrieve data from a local file.
>> I know I can use pg_dump to export the tables. The questions are:
>> 1) is there an in-memory db instance or file based I can create that is
>> loaded with the dump file? This way the app code doesn't have to change.
> No.
>> 2) does pg support embedded db?
> No.
> 3) Or is my best option to convert the dump to sqlite and the import the
>> sqlite and have the app read that embedded db.
> Sqlite tends to follow Postgres conventions, so you might be able to use
> the pg_dump output directly if you use --inserts or --column-inserts:
>> Finally, I am noticing pg_dump takes a lot of time to create a dump of
>> my table. right now, the table  has 77K rows. Are there any ways to
>> create automated batch files to create dumps overnight and do so quickly?
> Define long time.
> What is the pg_dump command you are using?
> Sure use a cron job.
>> Thanks for your inputs!
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> --
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