On 04/12/2017 02:37 PM, Osahon Oduware wrote:
Hi Adrian,

Thanks for your response. From the solution you provided, does it mean I
have to build PostgreSQL first from source, before building GDAL from

Alright did a test run of the build.

I installed the dev packages for GEOS and Proj from packages and I already had the xml2 dev libraries.

I built GDAL using the pg_config from my source install of Postgres.

So when building Postgis after building GDAL  I had to do:


to get it to see the config file and not throw an error. Then Postgis built.

On Apr 12, 2017 19:24, "Adrian Klaver" <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com
<mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>> wrote:

    On 04/12/2017 11:11 AM, Rob Sargent wrote:

        On 04/12/2017 12:01 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:

            On 04/12/2017 10:14 AM, Osahon Oduware wrote:

                Hi All,

                I am working on a Linux OS (Centos 6.5). I built GDAL
                successfully from
                source as below:
                ./configure --prefix=/path/to/gdal
                make install

                Next I built PostgreSQL successfully from source as below:
                ./configure --prefix=/path/to/pgsql
                make install

                I attempted to configure PostGIS from source as below:
                ./configure --with-pgconfig=/home/path/to/
                pg_config --with-gdalconfig=/path/to/gdal
                --with-gui --with-raster --with-topology

                but I get the following error:
                configure: error: PostGIS raster requires OGR to be
                enabled in GDAL. Use
                --without-raster to build without raster support.

                I sure need the raster support to be enabled in PostGIS.
                Could anyone
                help me out with this.

            Use the Postgres YUM repos:


        Been  years since I did this but you could (re)build GDAL with
        OGR as
        requested in the error message.

    Did a little digging into this and the magic sauce seems to be:

    --with-pg=ARG           Include PostgreSQL GDAL/OGR Support (ARG=path to

    So something like:

    ./configure --prefix=/path/to/gdal --with-pg=/home/path/to/pg_config

    which on my machine got, among other things:

    PostgreSQL support:        yes


    Adrian Klaver
    adrian.kla...@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>

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