On 10/09/2017 01:02 PM, Scott Mead wrote:

On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 1:19 PM, Ron Johnson <ron.l.john...@cox.net <mailto:ron.l.john...@cox.net>> wrote:

    Maybe my original question wasn't clear, so I'll try again: is it safe
    to do a physical using cp (as opposed to rsync)?

Yes -- however*you must configure WAL archiving* first.  If not, no backup tool, cp, rsync, etc... will provide a good backup.

Oh, and BTW -- The obligatory: You are on an ancient, EOL version of PG.  Upgrade.

Make sure that these are set:
- archive_mode
- archive_command

Then, on when you restore the backup, you need to create a recovery.conf and configure
- restore_command


This is good to know.  Thanks.

World Peace Through Nuclear Pacification

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