
your reply is not is not in news.postgresql.org server.
How to receive all messages using news.postgresql.org server ? It is tedious
to check the newsgroup archives using web interface also.

>  > I'm in progress of selecting development platform.
>pgAdmin3 is written in C++, using the cross-plattform and free
GUI-Toolkit wxwindows (www.wxwindows.org I believe).
pgAdmin3 includes an editable grid-view (right-click a table, and
select "Edit Data").

>> I believe pgAdmin3 is licensed under a BSD-License, so you might even
be able to reuse some code.

pgAdmin does not have ability to fetch next
screenful on page down. It can fetch only first 100 or all rows for
editing.This would me major improvement and I dont have enough knowledge to
add this to pgadmin.

> Including C,C++,Visual Basic, PHP and PL/SQL(!) in the _same_ ranking is
insane. They serve vastly difference purposes (Just imagine a

"web-application in PL/SQL, "

Why not ?
I can create HTML output from pg/SQL and redirect it to browser.
I hope that XHTML  capabilites will be added to Postgres also.

> "a kernel in Visual Basic"

VB has good complier which can be used kernel also.

> "GUI-Applikation in PHP"

To improve imagination you can download Agata Report from

This is is GUI application written in PHP which allows to create reports
from Postgres database.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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