I have a small database (PgSQL 8.0, database encoding UTF8) that folks are inserting into via a web form. The form itself is declared ISO-8859-1 and the prior to inserting any data, pg_client_encoding is set to LATIN1.

Most of the high-bit characters are correctly translated from LATIN1 to UTF8. So for e-accent-egu I see the two-byte UTF8 value in the database.

Sometimes, in their wisdom, people cut'n'paste information out of MSWord and put that in the form. Instead of being mapped to 2-byte UTF8 high-bit equivalents, they are going into the database directly as one-byte values > 127. That is, as illegal UTF8 values.

When I try to dump'n'restore this database into PgSQL 8.2, my data can't made the transit.

Firstly, is this "kinda sorta" encoding handling expected in 8.0, or did I do something wrong?

Secondly, anyone know any useful tools to pipe a stream through to strip out illegal UTF8 bytes, so I can pipe my dump through that rather than hand editing it?




  Paul Ramsey
  Refractions Research
  Phone: 250-383-3022
  Cell: 250-885-0632

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