2. The payload parameter is optional. A notifying client can either call
"NOTIFY foo;" or "NOTIFY foo 'payload';". The length of the payload is
currently limited to 128 characters... Not sure if we should allow longer
payload strings...
Might be a good idea to make the max the same as the max length for
prepared transaction GUIDs?  Not sure anyone would be shipping those
around, but it's a pre-existing limit of about the same size.

Yes, sounds reasonable to have the same limit for user-defined identifiers...

[..begging..] Can this be increased significantly? I don't get it, is there any technical reason to make the limit soo small? This drastically reduces the usefulness of the payload. I've wanted this feature for quite sometime and it is quite disappointing that I could not even use it because it is unjustifiably limited.

One use case I need is making the payload an absolute path, which saves us a round trip (commonly internet latency) and a query in a section of the system that's extremely performance sensitive. That sure ain't going to fit in 128 bytes.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds this limit too small. I can almost guarentee complaints would come in if released that way.

Andrew Chernow
eSilo, LLC
every bit counts

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