* Peter Eisentraut (pete...@gmx.net) wrote:
> On 1/14/13 11:28 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> > While there is no option currently for having the server do the
> > compression before sending the data over the wire.
> OpenSSL?

To be honest, I expected that to come up earlier in this discussion.
It'd be redundant to use OpenSSL for compression and then ALSO do
compression on the client side to save into a custom format dump.
There's also plenty of reasons to not want to deal with OpenSSL just to
have compression support.  Now, protocol-level on-the-wire compression
is another option, but there's quite a few drawbacks to that and quite a
bit of work involved.  Having support for COPY-based compression could
be an answer for many cases where on-the-wire compression is desirable.

Being able to use pipe's for the backend-side of COPY is a good
solution, for that.  I'm looking forward to having it and plan to review
the patch.  That said, I'd like to find an answer to some of these other
use cases, if possible.



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