On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 6:28 PM, Greg Smith <g...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:

> On 7/20/13 4:48 AM, didier wrote:
>> With your tests did you try to write the hot buffers first? ie buffers
>> with a high  refcount, either by sorting them on refcount or at least
>> sweeping the buffer list in reverse?
> I never tried that version.  After a few rounds of seeing that all changes
> I tried were just rearranging the good and bad cases, I got pretty bored
> with trying new changes in that same style.
>  by writing to the OS the less likely to be recycle buffers first it may
>> have less work to do at fsync time, hopefully they have been written by
>> the OS background task during the spread and are not re-dirtied by other
>> backends.
> That is the theory.  In practice write caches are so large now, there is
> almost no pressure forcing writes to happen until the fsync calls show up.
>  It's easily possible to enter the checkpoint fsync phase only to discover
> there are 4GB of dirty writes ahead of you, ones that have nothing to do
> with the checkpoint's I/O.
> Backends are constantly pounding the write cache with new writes in
> situations with checkpoint spikes.  The writes and fsync calls made by the
> checkpoint process are only a fraction of the real I/O going on. The volume
> of data being squeezed out by each fsync call is based on total writes to
> that relation since the checkpoint.  That's connected to the writes to that
> relation happening during the checkpoint, but the checkpoint writes can
> easily be the minority there.
> It is not a coincidence that the next feature I'm working on attempts to
> quantify the total writes to each 1GB relation chunk.  That's the most
> promising path forward on the checkpoint problem I've found.
> --
> Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US    g...@2ndquadrant.com   Baltimore, MD
> PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support www.2ndQuadrant.com

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