Josh Berkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It is.   I've found that "problem" queries, especially those caused by real, 
> uneven distribution of data, require raising statistics to 150-400 in order 
> to fix.  This is much to high a level to assign as a default.

That's basically what's bothering me about the suggestion to increase to
25 --- I'm dubious that it will do any good.

> Further, in 7.5 we'll be introducing correlated stats for multi-column indexes 
> (unless something's gone off with that?)

News to me.  It's certainly not there now.

> This will then give indexed columns "automatically" a somewhat higher
> level of stats analysis than other columns.

That is potentially a good idea.  There's still the question of what is
a reasonable default, though.

                        regards, tom lane

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