"Pavel Stehule" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Do you thing some binary module that load some encrypted sources from
> files? It can be possible too. But if source code will be stored in
> pg_proc, then we need third method. Some like "obfuscate" (prev. are
> validate and call"), because we can't to store plain text to prosrc
> col.

Is there a reason you couldn't, for instance, provide a function which takes
source code and encrypts it. Then you would write dump the data it spits into
your function declaration like:

CREATE FUNCTION foo() returns integer AS $$
... base64 encoded data
$$ language "obfuscated:plperl";

"obfuscated:plperl"'s handler function would just decrypt it and pass it off
to plperl.

There is a validator function which gets called when you create a function but
I don't think it has any opportunity to substitute its result for the original
in prosrc. That might be interesting for other applications like compiled
languages, though I think they would still want to save the source in prosrc
and the bytecode in probin.

  Gregory Stark
  EnterpriseDB          http://www.enterprisedb.com
  Get trained by Bruce Momjian - ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostgreSQL 

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