Actually resource forks have deprecated into non-existence in Squeak.
The real problem is retaining the execution bit on the executables, if your file system doesn't respect that then you end up with a binary which won't execute on unix (aka mac) machines. However if you are using linux then you should be fine, the is just a folder with a bunch of files/folders.

On Oct 22, 2008, at 12:33 AM, Lukas Renggli wrote:

Then, you can embed the latest one into a One-Click that
you generate (it seems I can't generate them myself because I don't
use MacOS, but I'm not sure).

Don't know if you need macos, could be. (never tried it on linux).
In general it would be nice to be able to build the one-click

If you want it working on a mac you need to make it on OS X, otherwise
the resource forks are missing. Maybe there are some unix tools that
could compensate that?


Lukas Renggli

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