You can remove that from the menu using the os-x mac menu api
that is used to modify the menu at startup time, so at startup time an  
step is needed.

It's left there because some people wanted a way to quit the image
without any squeak image involvement, it could of course be made a

As for the quit and prompt there is a change notification that is
broadcast when a method is changed

I think it's
        SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance
                notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #method change: #Added 
                notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #method change: #Modified 
                notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #method change: #Removed 

But ensuring you have all the cases would be debatable.

On 11-Jun-09, at 3:21 AM, Michael Roberts wrote:

> whilst we are debating 'quit' can we move 'Quit do not save' so it is
> not the first item in the native OS X File menu.  I have accidentally
> clicked it a few times and it is a disaster.  It is also quite
> different from platform semantics where are you would normally be
> prompted if a quit would discard changes.  It should be at the bottom
> of the menu at the very least.  Dare I ask if we need it at all...
> thanks
> Mike

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