While someone is looking into usability, is there a way to also  
complete for common tokens, or better global names?

A very annoying example is the completion offered while trying to use  
the Transcript, it always offers TranscriptTest, instead of  
Transcript, which is probably the case because it is not take names of  
globals into account.

And since "printf"-style debugging seems to be the only way to debug  
concurrent code, that is something I use very frequently...

Best regards

On 30 Nov 2009, at 09:56, Tudor Girba wrote:

> Hi,
> OCompletion certainly improved the coding experience in Pharo. But, I
> have a couple of usability suggestions with OCompletion to make it
> better. It would be great if someone (Romain? :)) could act on them:
> 1. Right now, OCompletion is triggered both by Tab and by Enter. It
> should be only Tab.
> Here is the reason. When I have a cascade, I want to have the methods
> starting from the next line, like this:
> browser mondrian
>       title: 'Something';
>       painting: [:view ... ]
> So, after I type browser mondrian, I naturally want to press Enter.
> However, there exists a method called mondrianAnnounce:, and when I
> press Enter it gets filled in. So, the intent of Enter should be
> similar to that of Space: just as a whitespace. Tab is a good choice
> for triggering the completion because we basically only use Tabs only
> in a new line where the completion does not apply.
> 2. When no completion is offered and I press tab, I do get some list.
> Why is this not offered by default? Is it because it is slower? Is it
> because it is the regular ECompletion and that is not useful?
> 3. The completion is triggered only when typing, but not when removing
> characters. I believe it would be better if it followed me all the  
> time.
> 4. When I want to navigate through the offered list using the down
> arrow the look changes and the items become wider. In fact, the same
> appears when I force completion by pressing Tab, so this leads me to
> believe that the change in the look is given by the change from O to E
> completion. The look should remain the same.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "If you interrupt the barber while he is cutting your hair,
> you will end up with a messy haircut."
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