On 11.10.2011 21:51, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 8:55 AM, Philippe Marschall
> <philippe.marsch...@netcetera.ch
> <mailto:philippe.marsch...@netcetera.ch>> wrote:
>     On 10/08/2011 10:42 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>     > s
>     >
>     >>>
>     >>> This is IMHO more than necessary for Fuel to become a production
>     ready
>     >>> serializer and I'd say Fuel is now "old enough" to become such :)
>     >>
>     >> Yes.
>     >> Now what I would love is that even if fuel changes that the
>     evolution of
>     >> information
>     >> is taken into account because like that it will be exercised for
>     real.
>     >>
>     >>
>     > No, that's impossible, and if posible, it is not worth it.
>     Migrating from an
>     > old format to a new one is extremelly complicated and innecessary. The
>     > easiest way to solve this is to take the correct version of Fuel,
>     > materialize the graph from the stream, load new version of Fuel, and
>     > seriaize it again. That the easiest, more secure, and more practical
>     > approach I can see.
>     That is horribly naïve an excludes fuel from a lot of use cases. You
>     can't use fuel for "archiving" objects outside of the image because you
>     will never know whether you will be able to read them in again because
>     the format changes. You will always need to have "live" ones in the
>     image.
> No. That's incorrect. You won't be able to do that ONLY if you update
> Fuel to a new image that breaks format.
> You can still continue to use the same version and you will never have
> that problem. So, again, why you need to update Fuel?

Because it's old software. Bugs may not get fixed. It may not work in
newer Pharo versions. I may have dependencies on other libraries that
may require a new version of Fuel. You name it.

> Why SmartRefStream does not have this problem?  because it hasn't
> changed in the last 10 years.
> So..do the same, take an specific Fuel version and keep it for 10 years.
> Just update it to make it work in Pharo without changing the format and
> you are done.
>     That means you can't use fuel for anything Monticello related because
>     you may never be able to load those versions in again because the file
>     format has changed in the mean time.
> I guess that in the end, if someone can really do something for
> Monticello on top of Fuel it will be like 2 years from now, and at some
> point Fuel format will be stable.
> And as Stef says...you always have the code there in case of problems.

Monticello is just an example for a case where I want to store objects
outside of the image.


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