On 29.01.2012 22:31, Chris Muller wrote:
But the goal of making the image smaller is congruent with the goal of
making Morphic smaller, which would be congruent with the desire for
Monticello to be "scalable".

What are you talking about? I chose Morphic because it was the first package I found that had more than a dozen classes.

So the solution should be smaller
packages, not more and bigger tools.

You should chose the package size on what makes sense from a software design point of view, not what the scalability limit of your tools is.

Besides, the measure of scale you've chosen is an build /
initialization step, which can much more afford to be "slow",
especially if the dream is to just have it sit and build 24 hours a

A better non-scaling measure to recognize in Monticello, IMO, is using
FileBased repositories, which require enumeration of an ever-growing
number of versions for many of its operations.

Using a database-backed MC repository solves that.

What are we discussing here? What is or the STPF?


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