I'm sure the metal centers vary a bit in diameter but are they new ones or
re-used old centers?  If I have a tight one, a gentle squeeze of the end of
the U tube fixes it quite easily.  I just had to open up a U tube end to
make one fit a bit tighter.  What I would like to see is a fairly soft
flange -one very old one I had was oxidized and had a bit of a "skin" on it
but was still quite soft.   And I'd like to see Orthophonic back flange
gaskets with the beveled edge extension.


Ron L


From: Antique Phonograph List [mailto:phono-l@oldcrank.org] 
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2015 6:11 PM
To: Antique Phonograph List
Subject: [Phono-L] Exhibition back flange rubber source info needed




Does anyone have a recommendation or comments concerning the manufacturing
of Exhibition reproducer back flange brackets, specifically where to obtain
the rubber / resin liquid?

A  Friend and I are thinking of making them for our own use given the
problems we have experienced lately with ones purchased from an unnamed
vender. Those most recently obtained, apparently have poorly manufactured
medal centers which "stick" on the tonearm U-tube, to the point they need to
be removed from the reproducer and "wrestled" off with a tool!


Most needed is a source for the rubber liquid, as we have many original
centers and would only need to create a mold.


Any observations / comments / referrals would be appreciated.





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