Contact the company who wrote the software you're trying to use for support.

"The Disguised Jedi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
Some might consider this OT, but I need to figure this out somehow, and
google has been no help.

I downloaded and installed PHP Designer 2005, and I really like it so far,
but I'm having some problems. Any time it is running, my CPU Usage goes up
to 100% and the process "phpDesignerPrg.exe" is the culprit. My fan kicks
into overdrive, and my laptop gets really warm. The funny thing is, any time
another process tries to do something, phpDesigner shrinks into the
background, and uses almost no CPU, only to crawl back up to 100% after the
other process is finished.

Anyone here had this problem before? Anyone here know how to fix it?

Thanks for replying even if this is a little off-topic...

The Disguised Jedi

Now you have my $0.02. Or .01 Pounds, .014 Euros, or $0.025 CAN. I'm
world-wide BABY!
PHP rocks!
"Knowledge is Power. Power Corrupts. Go to school, become evil"

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