Hi Arno

No, when you use <Location> it's not filesystem specific any more. But I've
just found out that you can't match on the query-string.

> These images aren't on my server, and
> the requests aren't trying to access images on my server. What I see 
> are requests using the php script on my server to try access an image 
> file (or html or txt or php) on someone else's server. I was hoping 
> there's a way to tell apache to block requests where id=non_numeric.

I think you'll have to use URL rewriting.

Try this:


That should give you a 403.


Should give you a print_r() output.

This is the rewrite config:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} id=[^0-9]+
RewriteRule (/arnokuhl.*) $1 [f]


Many thanks for all your effort and help Per. That's exactly what I was
trying to achieve.


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