Check the httpd.conf file for the location of the web dir. It's the documentroot directive


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On Jan 9, 2009, at 9:13 PM, "Gary" <> wrote:

Not sure how to word this, but I have just installed the XAMMP package with
Apache,  PHP for the purpose of having a testing server.

My confusion is the location of the files. I am using Dreamweaver CS3, and all of my sites were in My Douments\Sites. When I was trying to set up the testing server in DW, I directed it to http://localhost. I was pretty sure
it was not going to work, and I was right.  I then created a folder in
C:\xammp\htdocs\ and directed it to there...again no go.

Part of my confusion is that if I create a page as I normally do, and it is stored in My documents\Sites\sitename, then there is no file that is then
created in the C:\xammp\htdocs\.

So, does it make sense for me to simply put all of my local files in the
tester server root folder? Or am I going about it wrong?



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