On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Dan Munro <d...@danmunro.com> wrote:

> > 1. There are no statement terminators. Lose your indentation for ANY
> > reason and your program is well and truly screwed, in ways you can't
> > imagine.
> >
> > 2. Python programs fail in the most ungraceful way I've ever seen in an
> > interpreted programming language.
> 1. Indent properly. In php, if you put an open or close brace out of place
> your code will break in unexpected ways as well. If it's hard to tell if
> something is indented properly, your code should be refactored so that it
> is.
> 2. In my experience this has a lot to do with how some people use python
> and not python itself.
I can't argue on point two, since that's where all of my worst failure have
come from.  But as to indenting, I have had the problem of opening a file
on a new OS, only to find that the default editor there has wiped out my
formatting.  With PHP, that's not a big deal:  as long as I put my braces
in the right places, everything will continue to work.  With Python -- or
any whitespace delimited language -- it's fatal, and I have to hope I can
exit without saving anything.


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