
I tried to play some with this <para role="seealso">
rendering, but it seemed I am unable to guess how do
things in DSSSL myself :)

I would like to make the <para role="seealso"> rendering
look like the <note> tag rendering, a container blockquote,
with an autogenerated "See also:" text.

This would eliminate the need of making such paras:

    See also <function>is_array</function>, <function>explode</function>, 
    <function>implode</function>, <function>split</function> 
    and <function>join</function>.

And we would use this form:

   <para role="seealso">
    <function>is_array</function>, <function>explode</function>, 
    <function>implode</function>, <function>split</function> 
    and <function>join</function>

Or even better just a list, if someone can make the rendering
to print out the list delimiters...

   <para role="seealso">

This would be the best option anyway :)) But this also makes
impossible to express things in see also parts such as

     See also the reverse function <function>ebcdic2ascii</function> 

As this would be:

    <para role="seealso">

Without any plus info...

As discusseb before, it is not optimal for us to introduce a new
tag for this see also thing, but many of us would like to see
this separate see also rendering, as I can remember. This is also
proved in the NewCHM comments...


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