> I noticed recently that it seems that the rendering for the function
> prototypes doesnīt work. Compare the different rendering with DSSSL
> (common-html.dsl)  at:
>     www.dynamicwebpages.de/mysql_error
> with
>     www.php.net/mysq_error
> The rendering at php.net is now wrong and it seems to me that there
> isnīt any rendering, at least for function prototypes.

So to be correct the current rendering does not include
the type in the optional part... The first is from
php.net, the second is from dynamicwebpages.de:

string mysql_error (resource [link_identifier])
string mysql_error ([int Verbindungs-Kennung])

But as said before, I do not know DSSSL, just tried to play
with it, so I cannot resolve this problem...


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