Hi Alex,

There are several reasons why I've created PicoLisp in a container.

1) The image has recently been trimmed down to 14MB.  The large image was
just to get something out there and refine it shortly afterwards.
2) I didn't know that there was an existing extension.  Is it the latest
version?  All existing apt-get/tce-load solutions were off older versions.
3) PicoLisp on windows isn't very straightforward to set up but Docker
seems easier.  Perhaps it can help garner more windows attention?
4) And the main reason why is to run PicoLisp apps against a distributed
storage on Triton container infrastructure.  Ultimately because I think
people are doing it wrong, using Python mainly for data science
applications.  My friend said to show people what's the right way then.
I'd much rather use PicoLisp rather than Python for data science
applications.  Yes I understand that it lowers the barrier of entry for
non-programmers but then companies wind up hiring programmers anyway so I'm
reaching for my favorite language

I hope that explains things more.
Why download a 187MB file to "try" PicoLisp in Tinycore when you can just
type: "tce-load -il picolisp" to download/install the 88KB extension ?

I'm sorry, I don't understand the purpose of this.


On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 2:46 PM, David Bloom <ipro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks to your collective help I'm pleased to announce the availability of
> PicoLisp in a docker container!  Now anyone with docker installed can try
> out 64-bit PicoLisp v16.2 running on Tinycore Linux by running:
> docker pull progit/picolisp
> The image is 187MB which I hope to trim further but this is already
> hundreds of MB less than most popular images.  I'll maintain the latest
> version in the container.
> Please do offer up helpful suggestions if you have any and enjoy!
> -David Bloom

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