
I am new to PicoLisp and Lisp in general.

I know that PicoLisp is not Common Lisp and is much closer to the original Lisp. However it seems most books are Common Lisp oriented. While browsing Amazon I was wondering if any of these books might be good to get a good understanding of Lisp.

LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual 2nd Edition <https://smile.amazon.com/LISP-Programmers-Manual-Michael-Levin/dp/0262130114>
by Michael I. Levin (Author), John McCarthy (Contributor)

Interpreting Lisp: Programming and Data Structures 2nd ed. Edition <https://smile.amazon.com/Interpreting-Lisp-Programming-Data-Structures/dp/1484227069>
by Gary D. Knott

The Little LISPer:
by Matthias Felleisen, Daniel P. Friedman

Build Your Own Lisp <http://buildyourownlisp.com/>
Learn C and build your own programming language in 1000 lines of code!
by Daniel Holden

I think that Build Your Own Lisp sounds interesting. It seems like a good way to learn some C and get an understanding of Lisp at the same time. But it would be nice to have an opinion if available from people who are already familiar with PicoLisp.

I do not mind buying old and used books to learn. However, I do believe it would be of great value for growing the community if there were current available resources. I have looked at the mailing list archives and website. I am working my way through PicoLisp Works.

What about SICP? Does it bring value to a beginning PicoLisper?

Please feel free to suggest books or other resources which may not be mentioned here. I look forward to hearing the wisdom of the community.




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