On Sun 22 Nov 2020 at 12:09, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 11:49:11AM +0100, Tomas Hlavaty wrote:
>> it is only mess because you really want to find a loophole
> I don't want to find a loophole. I leave everything as it is (MIT/X11). I just
> want to point out how nonsensical it all is.

why is tomato vegetable?

why is it allowed to shoot welschman with bow and arrow in chester after
midnight?  (this one is actually funny

why are some people systemrelevant?

why is football allowed and music not?

why can viener filharmonie go for a concert tour to japan and be
excluded from corona rules?

why is Grundgesetz worked around again?

   Bund und Länder dürfen mit einfachen Rechtsverordnungen in
   grundrechtliche Freiheiten eingreifen – ohne Vorbehalt des
   Parlaments.  Angekratzt ist auch eine weitere Hoheit des Bundestags:
   das Budgetrecht.“

i don't think laws are meant to make sense

> I would rather re-activate and perhaps rewrite the old lib/led.l

this seems like a reasonable solution

> I don't care what RMS says. He is a docmatic actually *restricting*
> freedom.

i'd rather discuss ideas than people

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