Hi folks,

I'll try to address both Corbin's and Milind's questions. This is just my
opinion, I'm open to criticism/suggestions/corrections.

There are several barriers that are being removed.

First, piggybank will no longer be bound to the pig release schedule. At the
moment, I am not sure there will be "releases" of piggybank, as such -- we
might just tag snapshots with their own git branches and move on. This
allows the code to develop at a much faster pace, while possibly sacrificing
some of the stability and permanence of Apache-style releases. I feel that
this is ok, as piggybank was always subject to less stringent testing, and
the attitude towards it has long been "it might work, and you might have to
tweak it if it doesn't".

Second, moving to github makes it easy for people to cook their own versions
of piggybank if they want to -- they just have to fork the main master, and
apply changes as needed. The committers can pull in all, or some, of the
changes, if they are desirable. This puts such mutations in the public view,
as opposed to what's happening now, where they either don't happen, or
happen on people's unseen svn exports.

Third, this allows contributions to piggybank for older version of pig. At
the moment, for example, there isn't really a way to contribute a Pig 0.6
loader -- the current svn trunk is on the new API, so such contributions
won't compile. Something could be contributed for a 0.6 branch, but that
won't see the light of day unless Pig team decides to do a 0.6.1 release,
which is highly unlikely and kind of a maintenance nightmare. This is why,
for example, my HBase loader changes wound up in Elephant-Bird instead of
Pig proper -- I didn't have a good way of getting them out there otherwise.
On github, we will be able to just keep a 0.6 branch that folks using that
version can keep moving.

Bottom line is that we are sacrificing the benefits of a stately, strict
Apache workflow in order to gain agility and decrease barriers to
contribution. I personally feel that this is ok because piggybank is not so
much a software project as a collection of individual, distinct libraries.
It's kind of the CPAN of Pig, and no one versions all modules of CPAN in one
go -- the whole thing would get bogged down if that were to happen. Granted,
cpan lets you pull down specific versions of individual modules, and this
doesn't.. but let's take it one step at a time.

I think the bit about Hive interoperation might be a bit overstated. The
observation was just that Hive has the same problem with user-defined
functions, and some common code might be reused since the two projects are
often used to achieve similar goals. So if the Hive people wanted to
collaborate on the common bits, and put their udfs into /hive while we put
ours into /pig, we agreed that would be a good thing. There is no intent, at
the moment, to build some generic udf interface that would allow one to
write udfs for both hive and pig at once. Though that would be cool.


On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Milind A Bhandarkar <mili...@yahoo-inc.com
> wrote:

> +1 on the direction.
> A few questions:
> 1. With Pig marching towards becoming a TLP at Apache, can Piggybank become
> a full-fledged subproject (with it's own releases and all) ?
> 2. Or since the ultimate goal is to have a common UDF repository for both
> Pig and Hive, t would make sense to make it into an incubator project, with
> a name that does not indicate pig dependency?
> 3. I see parallels between Howl and proposed Piggybank, since they aspire
> to become common components in both Hive and Pig distributions. What are
> long term plans for Howl as far as hosting is concerned ?
> - Milind
> ________________________________________
> From: Dmitriy Ryaboy [dvrya...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 2:13 PM
> To: pig-user@hadoop.apache.org
> Subject: Request for Comments: Piggybank future
> Hi folks, at the last Pig contributor meeting, the piggybank question was
> discussed -- namely, how to make it more easy to contribute to.
> (by the way, the contributor meetings are generally open to all comers --
> sign up for the pig-dev list if you are interested in that type of thing).
> Here's a section of the notes I sent to Pig-dev that documents the results
> of the piggybank discussion. How do you, as users, feel about this plan?
> Piggybank.
> Kevin Weil led a discussion of the piggybank. There are a few problems with
> it -- it's released on the Pig schedule, and has quite a few barriers to
> submission that are, anecdotally at least, preventing people from
> contributing. Several options were discussed, with the group finally
> settling on starting a community-curated GitHub project for piggybank. It
> will have a number of committers from different companies, and will aim to
> make it easy for folks to contribute (all contribs will still have to have
> tests, and be Apache 2.0-licensed). More details will be forthcoming as we
> figure them out. Initially this project will be seeded with the current
> Piggybank functions some time after 0.8 is branched. The initial list of
> committers Kevin Weil (Twitter), Dmitriy Ryaboy (Twitter), Carl Steinbach
> (Cloudera), and Russel Jurney (LinkedIn). Yahoo will also nominate someone.
> Please send us any thoughts you might have on this subject. It was
> suggested
> that a lot of common code might be shared with Hive UDFs, which have the
> same problems as Piggybank does, and that perhaps the project can be
> another
> collaboration point between the projects. Not clear how that would work,
> Carl will talk to other Hive people.

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