I don't know PHP so can't advise you on the command-line flags, but I just
tried it with Perl, using both Pig 0.6 and Pig 0.8, and this works:

grunt> cats = load 'tmp/text.txt';
grunt> dump cats;
grunt> s = stream cats through `perl -np tmp/`;
grunt> dump s;

(my is empty, I am just using the -p flag to echo the input
back out)


On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 5:15 AM, Rob Wilkerson <>wrote:

> I have a Pig script--currently running in local mode--that processes a
> huge file containing a list of categories:
>    /root/level1/level2/level3
>    /root/level1/level2/level3/level4
>    ...
> I need to insert each of these into an existing database by calling a
> stored procedure. Because I'm new to Pig and the UDF interface is a
> little daunting, I'm trying to get something done by streaming the
> file's content through a PHP script.
> I'm finding that the PHP script only processes half of the category
> lines I'm passing through it, though. More precisely, I see a record
> returned for ceil( pig_categories/2 ). A limit of 15 will produce 8
> entries after streaming through the PHP script--the last one will be
> empty. Example output is shown below indicating the only the even
> records are getting processed.
> Here's a relevant snippet from my Pig script:
>    all_categories = LOAD 'categories.txt' USING PigStorage() AS
> (category:chararray);
>    ...Several layers of filtering...
>    ordered  = ORDER mappable_categories BY category;
>    limited  = LIMIT ordered 10;
>    categories = FOREACH limited GENERATE category;
>    DUMP categories; -- Displays all 20 categories
>    streamed = STREAM limited THROUGH `php -nF categorize.php`;
>    DUMP streamed; -- Displays 10 categories
> And the PHP script receiving the stream:
>    $category = fgets( STDIN );
>    echo $category;
>    # Yep, that's all there is right now
> Output:
>    -- From the `DUMP categories` line
>    (Arts)
>    (Arts/Animation)
>    (Arts/Animation/Anime)(Art s/Animation/Anime/Characters)
>    (Arts/Animation/Anime/Clubs_and_Organizations)
>    (Arts/Animation/Anime/Collectibles)
>    (Arts/Animation/Anime/Collectibles/Cels)
>    (Arts/Animation/Anime/Collectibles/Models_and_Figures)
>    (Arts/Animation/Anime/Collectibles/Models_and_Figures/Action_Figures)
>  (Arts/Animation/Anime/Collectibles/Models_and_Figures/Action_Figures/Gundam)
>    -- From the `DUMP streamed` line
>    (Arts/Animation)
>    (Arts/Animation/Anime/Characters)
>    (Arts/Animation/Anime/Collectibles)
>    (Arts/Animation/Anime/Collectibles/Models_and_Figures)
>  (Arts/Animation/Anime/Collectibles/Models_and_Figures/Action_Figures/Gundam)
> As you can see, it looks like only the even lines are being handled by
> the PHP script.
> I haven't found any information about streaming through a PHP file, in
> fact, very little info about streaming through any file. This is
> particularly true for information about the content of the stream
> receiver file. I'm really hoping someone here can help me out because
> I'm kind of out of places to ask this question. Any guidance or
> insight would be much appreciated. It's kind of important that I
> process 100% of the records rather than half of them. :-)
> I posted a question about this on StackOverflow yesterday
> (,
> but it doesn't look like there's much Pig visibility on SO at this
> point. I'll update that question with any answer I get from this list.
> Thanks for your help.
> --
> +rw
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