----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Vande Bunt" <mike.vandeb...@mixcom.com>

> Well said!  (You don't have to pay royalties to Mel Torme for the use of
> that line, do you?)  ;-)

What do you mean, Mike?

Last nite I was roasting some chestnuts on an open fire, when suddenly came
to me the fact that people try to say Merry Christmas in so many different
ways these days, some trying to be inclusive, some trying not to offend
others, some trying to offend others and  some trying to be just politically
correct.   In my city's City Hall, what always was known as a Christmas
tree, now it is called Holiday tree!.  Anyway, as I said, I was roasting
these chestnuts on an open fire, when the line just came to me!!  in part
for the above in part 'cause I thought I could used the shell of a chestnut
to make a pinhole camera.  :-)


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