Hi Zernike Au,
I love your Idea!!
Beate from Germany

> *****************
> Today is Pinholer's Day. We don't know how it comes. We just know there
> a group of people about 1000 (maybe 1200) years ago use a special box with
> small hole to capture memory (they call it images), it's amazing that our
> advance technology can't do that! They use oat tin, box, shoes, pepper,
> blade to capture memories, all these material can only be found in the
> museum now!!! They come from all over the world and they communicate with
> old method call "email", they meet together at "Pinhole Vision", now we
> cannot find the location of this country.
> In this day, photo lovers will put away their expensive camera equipment
> capture memories with whatever materials that  they can use.
> So, HAPPY PINHOLER'S DAY  to you all.
> Zero 3000 News, Editor: Zernike, Date: 2/15/3000

> Enjoy Pinholing!

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