I'd like to have a Plucker server. What I'd like to do is to be able to go from a PDA to a URL like:

        There are probably several of us out here with that.. ;)

I'm sure I could cook something up that fits your requirements (modulo some limits on depth and such), but it would be so immensely drowned by public hits, it wouldn't be feasible to put out there for general consumption.

        Catch me privately, I'll throw something together.

I suppose I could cobble together something using netcat, perl and PyPlucker, in effect writing a mini web server sitting on port 5000, but there has to be an easier way.

Cleaner than that... no need to make it complicated. I already have the code out there in the email reflector (pler), just have to have it sitting on a webpage instead of smtp. Should be easy to roll up.

Hit me privately if you have more requirements/details. IBM keeps me extrmely busy these days, so I don't have much time to monkey with Plucker as much as I used to, but this kind of diversion sounds like fun.

Incidentally, I have a (semi) public rss/xml/rdf server set up, takes any valid feed, converts it to clean, validated HTML, which you can then point Plucker and and convert to your heart's desire.

Some select users have been using it on a regular basis so far without complaints.

David A. Desrosiers

plucker-dev mailing list

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