Michael Herger;187337 Wrote: 
> > Such a calendar plugin would  need
> > SaverSwitcher to ever be used, I thought it would be better as an
> addon
> > to this plugin. But maybe I was wrong.
> From a technical point of view (which is important to guess the  
> feasibility) it's two completely different use cases. TimeSpeller uses
> strings depending on the hour of the day, which are recurring every day
> -  the number of possible strings therefore is rather limited.
> A calender plugin would need to have such strings for certain
> hours/dates, which might be unique. It just wouldn't make sense to add
> strings to the pool for just one time usage.
Maybe a plugin similar to SaverSwitcher that could change screen saver
based on some external critera would solve this. In this way it would
be possible to use the TimeSpeller plugin mostly but when the external
criteria was trigged it could change to use the "Alarm Announcement
plugin". The "Alarm Announcment plugin" would be a new screen saver
that displayed configuable configurable text during a specified time
interval. For example you would configure it to say "Wifes Birthday" a
specific day and "Christmas" between 24/12 - 26/12. The texts and
intervals could be read from a text file to make to announcement plugin
a bit simplier, instead of implementing a full blown configuration


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'
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