mrw wrote: 
> Right, I've just experienced this. Playback stops within a very short
> time after the stream is started, and the stream needs to be started
> again. It is not 'the norm', but has happened a few times, now I think
> about it.
> I wouldn't describe it as stuttering.
> I suppose that it might become 'stuttering' if it were happening mid
> stream, and the stream restarted by itself.
> I'll test the patch in due course.
> Could it simply be that 320kbs aac is "too much" for the Radio ? I think
> I have remarked before, perhaps to @slartibartfast, that I find that the
> UI seems to become a little sluggish when playing out aac streams, as
> compared to other streams. In fact, at one point, I disabled native aac
> playback for that reason.

Sorry, it's been a while since I looked at this.  Looks like it was back
in June based on the patch I posted.
Yes the radio actually pauses the stream, until the output buffer fills
a bit then resumes.  Occasionally, this pause/unpause happens several
times before the stream stabilizes, which could sound similar to
stuttering when you first start a stream.  I've not had it happen

The original AAC decoder in the official firmware does not tax the CPU
in the radio as much as the open source variant I'm using now.  It would
be good to test if a Touch exhibits the same issue with the BBC sounds
streams.  It has a higher powered CPU and more memory and I've not been
able to recreate the issue with a Touch and my test AAC stream.  I know
you don't have Touch or at least didn't, but perhaps someone with a
Touch in the UK could try it with the latest firmware.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *2*-UE Radio
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