expectingtofly wrote: 
> Interestingly, I remember when I implemented the throttling that the
> problem was easily reproducible.  The odd thing now is,  with this
> latest release of the firmware, I can't reproduce the problem at all,
> even if I set the throttling to zero, effectively turning it off.
> (Although i can see the impact the throttling has on the speed the input
> buffer on the radio fills up)
> So, the fact is they are getting the stuttering even with the throttling
> suggests this isn't the same issue at all, and something else is
> happening on their radio affecting the CPU time available for decoding. 
> Also it all might be a coincidence that I got 2 reports at the same
> time, and they may not be related, I mentioned it here in case it was
> more widespread.

I did fix a problem with 'reported number of decoded samples available
in the AAC decoder'
back in March 2021.  That might explain why the behaviour is different.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *2*-UE Radio
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