After many years of using iPeng on iPad/iPhone, I recently discovered
the potential of the Material Skin plugin. I saw it in a video when I
was looking at options to renew my music system around the house, even
considering Roon (just for one day in which I tested Roon). With the
devices I have, LMS offers more convenience for on device control of
local music, streaming and radio.

So I decided to make use of the Material Skin and (re)build my main
streamers. Main living/listening room streamer uses the 4k TV for Now
Playing and SqueezeLite control using a wireless mouse attached to the
RPi. My previous streamer I modded to function in a separate headphone
listening setup. I added a Waveshare 7.9” 1280x400px LCD HDMI screen.
After a week of testing the screensaver clock has already lead to
visible burn-in pixels. The screen offers a few brightness steps, set to
the lowest (but still bright) setting. I have not yet found a way to set
brightness in DietPi on the RPi3B.

In order to limit further damage, I would like to change the clock
characters from the standard bright white to a lesser bright grey or
other color. Can anyone point me to where I could change that?

Furthermore, it would be nice when the screensaver would act as a real
screensaver by moving the content slowly around the entire screen
instead of staying in a fixed position. Would that be possible? Or are
there other (standard) screensavers that could be added?

Thank you for a (all in all) great plugin and your continued support!

- Raspberry Pi 3B (LMS “server”)
- SB Boom
- 2x O2Joggler/SqueezePlay
- DietPi-RPi4/SqueezeLite/SMSL SU-9n(DAC)/HDMI 4k TV
- DietPi-RPi3B/SqueezeLite/Audiophonics 9038Q2M Sabre
DAC/2xOLED+Waveshare 7.9”LCD
- piCorePlayer/Rpi2/Hifiberry Digi+
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