schwimma wrote: 
> Hi
> should this plugin work on ARM LMS (qnap) installation? 
> was able to installe it on LMS 8.4 ,  qnap device but changes in the EQ
> does not have any effect.
> Sorry if i should know this but i did not find any hints in serveral
> threads
> it works on windows with my touch
> thaNX

Just so that I am clear, you have 2 LMS installs - one on windows, which
is working and one on QNAP, which isn't?

As part of the install if there are any problems, I would ensure that
all players are stopped and then restart the server. This is because if
anything is playing it can potentially block the install.
On the QNAP install can you check settings and the information tab, and
on helper applications folder see if you have a folder pointing to
Inguz, on windows mine looks like this.


If that looks OK, you can check the logs.
Go to Advanced settings and scroll-down and look for Inguz, set the
settings to debug and hit apply.
Now play a track and change the balance so that the slider is all the
way left. restart the track. If the sound is mainly from the left
speaker - you are good.
If not go to settings information and view the server log -> everything.

You should see a statement like this, in this case it is an eq setting
rather than balance.

[22-12-08 11:03:55.7911] Plugins::InguzEQ::Plugin::debug (285) InguzEQ:
command: seteq
[22-12-08 11:03:55.7927] Plugins::InguzEQ::Plugin::debug (285) InguzEQ:
command: seteq(4,50,2.9)
[22-12-08 11:03:55.7942] Plugins::InguzEQ::Plugin::debug (285) InguzEQ:
setPref b4value=2.9
[22-12-08 11:03:55.7952] Plugins::InguzEQ::Plugin::debug (285) InguzEQ:
savePrefs d0_50_99_85_19_e9.settings.conf

If you see something similar and still no joy, it is probably the
binary. This also has a log - unfortunately it is tucked away in the
preferences folder. If you can check the information to again and locate
the Preferences folder listed on your QNAP. Under there should be a
folder called InguzEQ and a file called log.txt. If log.txt does not
exist or if you open it and it is blank then the binary is not running.

At which point I will need more info from you.

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