James;238258 Wrote: 
> I took a look at the new AudioScrobbler plugin - it's *so* much cleaner
> than SlimScrobbler, but that's the benefit of starting from scratch!
> I think the tracking code is a bit simplistic though - for example it
> seems to me that if you start a track and then immediately pause it, it
> would still get submitted at the time limit, though you've not actually
> listened to it.

That's not true, it will only scrobble once you have listened to the
required 50% or 240 seconds of a track.  It then schedules the scrobble
to occur in another 50% or 240 seconds.  It does not technically wait
until the end of a track in all cases because it is quite complicated
to know when a track is finished, as I'm sure you found out.  But this
is OK, there is no requirement to wait until the track is finished to
submit, as long as you've listened to half of it it will get scrobbled.

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