First I tried gslimp3.  The package is broken, but I was able to
disassemble the package and install the components individually. 
However, it still doesn't work because it requires madplay, which has a
bug (Symbol `mad_build' has different size in shared object).  I tried
compiling madplay, but I still get the bug.  

kslimp3 appears to require madplay also.  

squeezeslave might work, but if I hit return I get Error in recv: Bad
file descriptor.  I don't get any sound out anyway.  I also find it
disconcerting that the player count in SqueezeCenter goes up by 1 when
I run squeezeslave, but it does not return to 0 when squeezeslave

Finally I tried softsqueeze.  I clicked on the hyperlink for installing
and running softsqueeze.  It attempts to download softsqueeze.jnlp, but
when I tell it to open with the browser, it just repeats the request ad
infinitum.  When I ask it to load as an applet, I get an empty popup

I am on Ubuntu 8.04.

I'd really like to get gslimp3 to work because it appears to be simple
and does not require java.  However, I don't know what to do about the
bug in madplay.

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