Philip Meyer;379865 Wrote: 
> The "Finding Artwork" phase - is this just finding missing artwork (i.e.
> does it use artwork that SC has already scanned - is it the original
> file/embedded artwork, or does it use cached images from the SC
> cache)?
> Does Muso store details (eg. artwork) in its own folder?  Does Muso
> modify anything in the music library source folder (eg. write
> folder.jpg)?

It should only search for missing artwork, muso caches it's own covers
in folders under a folder it creates: C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\muso - subfolder covers is the large artwork,
but it also caches thumbnails in the html subfolder.

In searching, it does not look in the squeezecenter repository - it
looks in the song folder for image files, or looks it up from the net.
It doesn't write anything to the song folders.

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