Hi There,
Looking for someone who has the power to fix this plugin.I wrote the
same thing for the native plugin. The way i look at it. the plugin that
can get this worked out first all the better. Anyways i prefer the
Submission of genres as tags with this one. Thoug i would like the "love
this track " facility as well.

At the moment When scrobbling tracks with multiple artists. SC
scrobbles the whole tag.

e.g. Crosby, Stills & Nash/David Crosby/Stephen Stills/Graham Nash

I use the artist that i would like scrobbled as the first part of the
Artist tag,

e.g. Crosby, Stills & Nash/David Crosby/Stephen Stills/Graham Nash

I would like 'Crosby, Stills & Nash' Scobbled. I consider this a bug.

As Squeezecenter Offers the ability to have multiple items in tags, and
this helps with finding all artists contributions over a large data

I strongly believe the importance of fixing this issue is paramount as
we also have the ability to Scrobble to Last.FM and my scrobbles are
just wrong for those tracks.

So i was thinking we could attack this as such.

in the LastFM scrobble options page have an option "submit first artist
for tracks with multiple artists" have a check box.

The Code that exists would just need some code inserted that would have
the Psuedo code as such.

Needs a variable set up as artist.

Does the track have multiple artists?
No. --> Assign artist tag to variable.
Yes. --> Is the check box ticked on the lastFm options page?

No. --> Assign artist tag to variable
Yes. --> Cut Artists tag from beggining till it reaches the delimiter.

which is set in the Music Library Options page.

Assign this result to the variable, "Artist"
then follow the existing code to submit it.

Of course you could have another option to join the multiple artists;
Make; Crosby, Stills & Nash/David Crosby/Stephen Stills/Graham Nash
Crosby, Stills & Nash,David Crosby,Stephen Stills & Graham Nash
By counting the artists, inserting commas and ampersands where needed.
Depending on how people tag there files.

>From what i've gathered at LastFm they will not be using a facility to
cope with the multiple artist problem specifically they are working at
fingerprinting songs which will help and i suppose at that point we will
be submitting the fingerprint id for songs.

Anyways any support would be appreciatted. I love scrobbling. I use to
find events in my area, find bands i haven't heard of close to those i
listen to. And the more accurate my scrobbles the better.

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