
                Im using sfacctd to get the sflow of a dlink 3420-28tc and it 
seems to get the data ok but its something that i dont know how to work.  A few 
days ago we are using pmacctd with a port mirroring and cacti for account the 
traffic and draw all traffic in graphs. That was working pretty well.

                Now we are trying to switch to sflow and Im using the same 
method to draw the graph but as I read with a ratio sampler of 1 the sflow send 
1 packet of 256 packets so using the sflow to draw the traffic in the cacti is 
not working because there is a lot diference in the graphs.

                For example for 1 server that I put a limited download I have a 
858k because I limit the download to 100K/s but with sflow draws 404 bits per 
seconds. How to make sflow to pass the real data or convert the data to real 

                For all who need I paste my config file of the sfacctd:

! pmacct: In + Out
debug: true
daemonize: true
syslog: kern
nfacctd_port: 6343
imt_mem_pools_size: 180000
imt_mem_pools_number: 20
plugin_pipe_size: 20480000
plugin_buffer_size: 20480
snaplen: 700
networks_file: /etc/pmacct/networks2.def
plugins: memory[net_in], memory[net_out], memory[host_in], memory[host_out]
aggregate[net_in]: dst_net
aggregate[net_out]: src_net
aggregate[host_in]: dst_host
aggregate[host_out]: src_host

imt_path[net_in]: /tmp/net_in.pipe
imt_path[net_out]: /tmp/net_out.pipe
imt_path[host_in]: /tmp/host_in.pipe
imt_path[host_out]: /tmp/host_out.pipe

Thank you for the help.

Best Regards.

José J. Antón Herrerías

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