Dear all,

I am currently investigating how pmacct can be used together with IPFIX data 
coming from Alcatel Lucent 7750 routers. During the past couple of days I hit a 
few questions I could not answer by myself:
- From the documentation I reasoned that pmacct/nfacct is able to handle IPFIX 
sampling. I use IPFIX sampling with a sampling rate of 10000. From the results 
I see (pmacct or prng) the sampling rate is not recognised by pmacct/nfacct. I 
also tried to configure the sampling rate by using the configuration key 
nfacctd_ext_sampling_rate which did not resolve the issue. Is there a know 
issue with recognising the sampling rate from the IPFIX data? Or did I miss how 
to configure pmacct/nfacct correctly?
- The aggregate configuration directive comes with various values. However, I 
could not find a way to aggregate IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. Did I miss this in the 
documentation? Or is it not supported by pmacct/nfacct?
- I would like to generate rrd files for traffic going in and out of a MAC 
address. I also would like to generate rrd files for the communication between 
a MAC address and another MAC address (in and out). The configuration of 
pmacct/nfacct is actually quite easy. However, I had difficulties to generate 
the rrd files. I tried pnrg version 0.1 which is from 2006 and not updated ever 
since. It also has problems with creating rrd files and graphs based on MAC 
addresses. So I assume there should be a better solution than pnrg to generate 
rrd files. What is the default way of generating rrd files using pmacct/nfacct 
(I saw the section in the FAQ talking about rrd files, but this is nothing I 
can use as I would like to generate thousands rrd files :-))?

Any help/hint/feedback is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

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