We have been running nfacctd for several months now, but last night it did not 
create new database files for December.

Here is our config:

daemonize: true
pidfile: /var/run/nfacctd.pid
plugins: mysql[inbound],mysql[outbound]
sql_db: pmacct
sql_host: **********
sql_user: **********
sql_passwd: ********
aggregate[inbound]: dst_host
aggregate[outbound]: src_host
nfacctd_port: 9996
sql_refresh_time: 120
sql_history: 1M
sql_history_roundoff: mhM
sql_table_version: 1
sql_table[inbound]: nfacctdown_%m
sql_table[outbound]: nfacctup_%m
sql_table_schema[inbound]: /etc/nfacctdown.schema
sql_table_schema[outbound]: /etc/nfacctup.schema
networks_file: /etc/nfacctd.networks
networks_file_filter: true

Instead of creating the new database tables, nfacctdown_12 and nfacctup_12, it 
just created a new row for the new months data.

Nov Data: stamp_inserted 2014-11-01 00:00:00 stamp_updated 2014-11-30 22:16:07
Dec Data: stamp_inserted 2014-11-30 23:00:00 stamp_updated 2014-12-01 09:43:40

This has worked properly in the past, just not this month.

How can I get this to start using the correct table?
How can I prevent this in the future?


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