"Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity of atrocities, War.
   He is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes forth
   in cold blood and calm pulse to exterminate his kind. He is the only
   animal that for sordid wages will march out...and help to slaughter
   strangers of his own species who have done him no harm and with whom
   he has no quarrel. ..And in the intervals between campaigns he washes
   the blood off his hands and works for "the universal brotherhood of
   man"--with his mouth.
   -- Mark Twain, "What Is Man?"

   PNEWS-L, the oldest radical "progressive" list on the interNUT (82)

   PNEWS-L - Radical "Progressive" News & Views

PNEWS-L has been on the net since 1982 - when the internet
began (before it was anything like what we know it to be now)
- and long before it became a household name and before it
became a commercial toilet.

PNEWS-L (the network) actually had it's start on ham radio
in the 60s as a network of progressive hams (and chavirim)
for those concerned about injustice in the world, socialism,
and the survival of the "Jewish Liberation Movement in Israel.
The network which met daily on 20 meters (ham radio) comprised
mostly kibbutzim and the rest of the world. It was a global
communications network. PNEWS-L provides support for Israel's
existence and vigorously opposes Anti-Zionist Arab propaganda
from all quarters. It is progressive to support a strong Israel.

PNEWS also became a hardcopy newspaper to address racism and
issues of security and war with thousands of subscribers. In the
80s it moved to computer networks, including Fidonet and Prodigy.
It remained gated to Fidonet when it was also picked up by PeaceNet
(apc.igc.org) and I was given a free account in order to gate pnews
(as two forums: [1] Discussion (pnews.d) and [2] News (pnews) to
this activist network.

PNEWS-L came to the internet first as an alias list - and also remained
gated to Fidonet for independent BBSs and the APC networks for activists.
When connected to the APC networks we had about 30,000 recipients of the
lists. In the 90s it migrated from a majordomo list to a mailman list and
then onto LISTSERV(tm), the premier list distribution system for 
and universities at St Johns University in Brooklyn, NY where it was gated
to the internet and in 2004 to Escartis for a year and then renamed 
on Yahoogroups and on June 16th, the name was changed back to PNEWS-L.

PNEWS-L is a discussion and analysis distribution list for
essays and commentary; some limited quoting and some pointers (links,
that is - but limit them to one or two per posting)The orientation is
always progressive, socialist, secular, scientific, animal rights,
human rights and to seek justice and truth.

   Hank Roth

   /////--------reason and unreason--------/////
   + From Cicero and Lucretius +
   + Wrapped in togas +
   + Struggling between reason and unreason +
   + Battles fought in ancient times +
   + And fought again and again. +
   + +
   + History, a register of cruelty +
   + Vertiginous world +
   + Optimistic metaphors +
   + insulting and depressing. +
   + +
   + ----------- TheGolem ----------- +
   /////[EMAIL PROTECTED]/////


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