The day you and others, just like in China, can determine what is not 
allowed on the net is the day the InterNUT is dead.


On Mon, 23 Jul 2007, donnella whitacre wrote:

> WE have a right to express our free speech and many of us believe that 
> site should be shut down, it isn't any thing but an anti semetic rag, 
> aimed at bringing israel down. if you don't think so, or don't want it 
> shu t down by all means don't sign the petition, don't protest it. the 
> majority will win i guess Bill Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> "Where does "Free Speech" stop? "
>> Thomas Braun wrote:
>> when it incites murder
> And who is the arbiter of just when it's inciting enough to incite
> murder? You?

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