Gravity Bends Light
  Gravity is curved space and time.

Starlight which passes a heavenly body bends just as space and time is
warped by gravity and words spoken by the current president of the United
States, Barach Obama, is deceptively skewed.

Pluto is no longer a planet and neither should Obama be the chief
executive of the U.S. Mistakes happen. Shit happens! Those who were taken
in by the Kenyan born fraudulent chief executive prove once again that we
are a flawed species easily fooled and intelligence is the illusion. And,
truth and reality is a delusion.

Gravity curves space and Homo sapiens believe what they want to believe.
It seems as-if we are stationary; just as it seems to a rational person
that the land we're standing on is flat; but it isn't. In orbit we are
falling but we fall around a mass or we may fall into it, just as it falls
into us. Mariners navigate a path on a curved body of water. Their route
is along a curve circle. The universality of gravity is all objects
respond in the same way; they follow the path of least _distance_ in
curved space and time.

And as you stand on Earth you are pulled by its core as the earth falls
toward the sun. Because the earth has inflationary momentum and all mass
in the universe is stretching it never quite gets to the sun. In billions
of years, it will.

"At this very moment, our galaxy is hurtling toward the Virgo cluster of
galaxies at a couple of hundred kilometers a second, faster literally than
a speeding bullet. Virgo is pulling us into its gravitational field. At
the same time, our galaxy continues to rotate sedately: The invisible hand
of gravity ties together the 100 billion stars that mke up the galaxy.
Our dear old sun stays within this hurtling swarm of stars only because of
its attraction to all those other stars, just as our earth stays within
the solar system because of its attraction to the sun. On an evewn smaller
scale, we say tied to the earth by gravity, with nary a fear of falling
off. On a grander scale, as the universe tries to expand to even larger
size, every bit of matter it contains is trying to rein the universe  in
by pulling gravitationally on every other bit of matter..." (A. Zee,
Einstein's Universe: Gravity at Work and Play, Oxford U Press, 1989)

Everything you see in the night sky is moving.  Planets move around stars
and stars move. Galaxies move. Everything is moving. We understand most of
this movement because of gravity and Einstein. When I took my first course
in astronomy it was an extension course from the university of Utah (I
think it was Utah, if my memory still serves me correctly?) before there
was even an internet. I didn't do so well. It was not easy studying the
celestial bodies by mail. There was a lot to learn but not nearly as much
as we know now. It would of course be easier today because the science has
changed; that is, it is more complete. Telescopes are better and many of
them are now beyond the earth's atomosphere and use more than visible
light to look at the cosmos.

"...Galileo Galilei was the first person to collect data on falling
objects (actually balls rolling down a sloped platform). From these data
he produced an equation that showed falling objects travel in parabolas."
(University Lowbrow Astronomers University Lowbrow Astronomers Gravity,
Part 2: Newton, Hooke, Halley and the Three Body Problem. by Dave Snyder
in Reflections: April, 2006)

But before the telescope philosophers and astronomers were limited to what
they could see with the naked eye. It took giant telescopes to see well
stars, planets, comets, nebulae and it took new ways of looking at these
things, i.e. xrays, gamma rays, microwaves, etc to really see the universe
which may in actuality be multiple universes and our human time frame for
looking at globular clusters, galaxies and universes and multiverses, may
be the greatest limitation of all.

Hank Roth

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