
"Anyone would think we had just elected a hip, skinny and youthful replacement 
for God, with a plan to modernise Heaven and Hell - or that at the very least 
John Lennon had come back from the dead."

"The swooning frenzy over the choice of Barack Obama as President of the United 
States must be one of the most absurd waves of self-deception and swirling 
fantasy ever to sweep through an advanced civilisation. At least 
Mandela-worship "its nearest equivalent" is focused on a man who actually did 

Peter Hitchens, Mail Online UK, "The night we waved goodbye to America... our 
last best hope on Earth"
(Nov 10, 2008)

The Alternate White House

"In the best-selling 1962 book Seven Days in May, the Joint Chiefs of Staff 
plot a military coup against a US president about to sign a nuclear arms 
control agreement. The conspiracy involves an emergency exercise at a place 
called Mount Thunder, a secret bunker where government leaders would go in the 
event of a nuclear attack. Authors Fletcher Knebel and Charles W. Bailey II 
provide rather detailed driving instructions to get to the fictional Mount 
Thunder, which closely match those used to drive to the real Mount Weather. 
Although the bunker at Mt. Weather did not become widely known until more than 
a decade later, the thinly disguised portrayal of the facility in Seven Days in 
May demonstrates that the fact of the existence and the location of the 
facility was already known by the early 1960s."

"Completed in 1958, the underground bunker includes a hospital, crematorium, 
dining and recreation areas, sleeping quarters, reservoirs of drinking and 
cooling water, an emergency power plant, and a radio and television studio 
which is part of the Emergency Braodcasting System. A series of side-tunnels 
accomodate a total of 20 office buildings, some of which are three stories 
tall. The East Tunnel includes a computer complex for directing emergency 
simulations and operations through the Contingency Impact Analysis System 
(CIAS) and the Resource Interruption Monitoring System (RIMS)." (I started 
working there in 1959 -- Hank)
Mount Weather:

     Today Mt Weather is still there. It has been considerably expanded and is 
currently used exclusively for disaster operations with six major facilities 

         * National Processing Service Center Virginia
         * Satellite Teleregistration Center
         * Disaster Finance Office
         * Disaster Information Systems Clearinghouse
         * Disaster Personnel Operations Division
         * Agency Logistics Center

     The alternate White House is no longer located there.

        In the late 50s, there were about 300 of us in the White House Army 
(Security) Communications Agency (WHACA) and I was the only Jew in the agency.

There was also one Jew in the Secret Service attached to the White House. There 
were no blacks and no women (WACS) in the agency.

                I also worked at what was sometimes referred to as Shangri-La, 
but more generally known as Camp David, which was the president's retreat and I 
worked at Mt Weather, which was code-named Camp Crystal and was the alternative 
White House. There was another alternate under construction when I was there 
and although assigned to presidential duty and there for several years I didn't 
stay long enough to see it finished.

        "Located 70 miles from the White House in the Catoctin Mountains of 
Maryland, Camp David was established in 1942 as a place for the President to 
relax and entertain. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt wanted to escape the 
summer heat of Washington, D.C., and the higher altitude of the Camp provided 
cool breezes and good security. President Roosevelt called the Camp 
"Shangri-La" after the mountain kingdom in James Hilton's book Lost Horizon. It 
was renamed Camp David in 1953 by President Eisenhower in honor of his 

Camp David:

     (Here I am with a buddy of mine when stationed in France and on the right, 
on my French motorbike.)

While I was at Camp Crystal I installed their first single sideband radio 
communication's system, which at the time was state-of-the-art radio 

I taught the others that technology and sometimes I also used some of the 
government radios on the ham bands.

I remember powering up an old Eldico 3,000 watt amplifer on 20 meters and the 
call letters I used was W3WTE. It was the license assigned to us then.

Actual crypto was voice secure over KO6 machines, which would have been pretty 
crude by today's standards and utilized a lot of mechanical rotators to alter 
the code which was then synthesized speech. That was part of my work also.

Sometimes the president relied on ham radio for back-up communications when 
traveling to foreign countries. We used code to disguise our communications and 
we used it mostly for security purposes.

I have worked for presidents. I have known Chiefs of Staff and Prime Ministers 
and Presidents. You may like President Obama. You may love this guy, but I 
believe you will live to regret it. I believe Barack Obama will be terrible for 
this country and a disaster for Israel. I feel compelled to speak about it. 
Dark days are coming.

As if his association with Ayers, Dorhn, Pfleger and 20 year relationship with 
Tony Rezko and Rev Wright, et al wasn't enough, the LA Times has a video of 
Obama with his friend, Rashid Khalidi which demonstrates Barack Hussein Obama's 
close relationship with the blatantly anti-Israel Rashid...and the LA Times 
refused to release it.

Politically Comotose:";
(more) Crypt:

Hank Roth

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