UK Muslim Vampire Rapist Causes Severe Blood Loss to Victim

I have written MANY blogs about muslim men raping British women (and 
children) and one thread very often links them all - the muslim 
rapist/criminal claims and/or sees himself as the victim. Why not? - as 
this defense frequently works with British judges who swallow the excuses 
and are soft of muslim criminals.

You be the judge:

A teenager meets a man at a nightclub. The teenage woman insists she does 
not want intimacy but agrees to go with a man - who then drives her to "an 
address" to talk . While they were sitting on the couch - the man makes 
unwanted advances. The teen says to stop. The man then forces the woman to 
commit a "sex act" on him (also known as RAPE) and then proceeds to rape 
her another two times. During the course of his raping the woman - he 
repeatedly bites her causing her bleeding wounds and to lose a significant 
amount of blood (3 pints)-  the man only stops the rape when he realized 
the severity of her injuries and the heavy loss of blood. The woman seeks 
medical attention-on her own- and recounts her rape to the staff. She says 
that she experienced the "WORST PAIN" during the attack.

First the man says that the young woman made sexual advances to him and 
they were "unsuccessful" - he tells how he was "disgusted" by the sight of 
the blood. Then his story changed saying that he is the victim - that the 
woman raped him and he never bit her. He is the victim.

So who do you believe? Did the teen rape the man? Did she cause the bite 
marks and wounds that led to her losing approximately 1/3 of the total 
blood in her body? Was the accused muslim rapist, Abas Hassan, really the 

You can decide for yourself ------but for me the facts are clear-this is 
yet another case - undoubtedly the most bizarrely vampirish case - of 
muslim men raping young British girls.

Article in full:

Bristol man 'raped and bit teen'
Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 07:00

A Bristol man raped and bit a teenager he met in a nightclub, a court 

Abas Hassan's alleged victim lost more than three pints of blood from 
injuries suffered in the attack, a jury at Bristol Crown Court was told 

But when arrested, the 23-year-old man told police she forced herself on 
him and it was he who was the rape victim.

Hassan, of High Street, Easton, denies three counts of rape in November 
last year.

Paul Grumbar, prosecuting, told the jury the 18-year-old woman met Hassan 
in a Weston-super-Mare nightclub and, although she stressed she didn't 
want intimacy, he drove her to an address "just to talk".
Click here for moreClick here for more

When they were on a sofa for what she thought would be a chat, Hassan's 
mood changed, the court heard.

Mr Grumbar said: "According to (the complainant) he turned into a 
completely different person. He kissed her and said 'come on, take your 
clothes off'.

"When she said she just wanted to talk he said they could talk in a bit."

The jury was told Hassan took his clothes off, and then the complainant's, 
and forced her to commit a sex act on him.

Though she repeatedly said she was not in the mood, said Mr Grumbar, 
Hassan then forced himself on her twice.

Mr Grumbar said during the assault Hassan bit the woman, who cannot be 
named for legal reasons, on her face. The jury heard he only stopped when 
he realised the woman was injured and losing blood.

After Hassan left the scene the woman was able to get a lift to the 
accident and emergency department of Weston General Hospital.

Mr Grumbar said she made an immediate complaint of rape on the journey and 
recounted what had happened to her to medical staff.

Numerous cuts were detected on her body, Mr Grumbar said, and she was 
estimated to have lost 1.5 litres (three pints) of blood.

The jury heard that when Hassan was arrested at his Easton home he told 
police the woman was keen to have sex, they weren't successful, and he was 
"disgusted" when he realised she was injured.

Contradicting her account, he said she was the one who had started 

Hassan denied biting her and told police he was the one saying "stop", not 

Mr Grumbar told the court: "He said: 'She was trying to rape me, not me 
raping her. She started the sex and now I'm here for all the wrong reasons 
She wasn't crying out in pain, not at all. She raped me; it was not me 
raping her, if you look at it fairly'."

The case continues at Bristol Crown Court.

Posted at 10:12 AM in Islam in UK, Muslim Crime, Rape, Rape Jihad | 
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